.. _config: User Configuration ================== User configuration and preferences can be specified in a user provided configuration file, and usually also on the command line. Values specified in a user provided configuration file override the defaults, while command line options take precedence over any other specified configurations. Configuration file ------------------ Users can provide a configuration file to override parameters in the default configuration. Unless a configuration file is explicitly specified on the command line when invoking ``bst``, an attempt is made to load user specific configuration from ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/buildstream.conf``. On most Linux based systems, the location will be ``~/.config/buildstream.conf`` Project Specific Value ---------------------- The ``projects`` key can be used to specify project specific configurations, the supported configurations on a project wide basis are listed here. Artifact Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The artifact server is usually specified by the project you build, but it can be overridden on a per project basis using the same format :ref:`described here `. **Example** .. code:: yaml projects: project-name: artifacts: url: https://artifacts.com/artifacts Strict Build Plan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The strict build plan option decides whether you want elements to rebuild when their dependencies have changed. This is enabled by default, but recommended to turn off in developer scenarios where you might want to build a large system and test it quickly after modifying some low level component. **Example** .. code:: yaml projects: project-name: strict: False .. note:: It is always possible to override this at invocation time using the ``--strict`` and ``--no-strict`` command line options. Default Configuration --------------------- The default BuildStream configuration is specified here for reference: .. literalinclude:: ../../buildstream/data/userconfig.yaml :language: yaml