manual pluginΒΆ

Manual build element

The most basic build element does nothing but allows users to add custom build commands to the array understood by the BuildElement

The empty configuration is as such:
# No variables added for the manual element by default, set
# this if you plan to use make, and the sources cannot handle
# parallelization.
# variables:
#   notparallel: True

# Manual build element does not provide any default
# build commands

  # Commands for configuring the software
  configure-commands: []

  # Commands for building the software
  build-commands: []

  # Commands for installing the software into a
  # destination folder
  install-commands: []

  # Commands for stripping installed binaries
  - |

# Use max-jobs CPUs for building and enable verbosity
  MAKEFLAGS: -j%{max-jobs}
  V: 1

# And dont consider MAKEFLAGS or V as something which may
# effect build output.
- V