Installing BuildStream on a Linux distro

BuildStream requires the following base system requirements:

  • python3 >= 3.5
  • libostree >= v2017.8 with introspection data
  • bubblewrap >= 0.1.2
  • fuse2
  • PyGObject introspection bindings
  • psutil python library (so you don’t have to install GCC and python-devel to build it yourself)

BuildStream also depends on the host tools for the Source plugins. Refer to the respective source plugin documentation for host tool requirements of specific plugins.

If you intend to push built artifacts to a remote artifact server, which requires special permissions, you will also need:

  • ssh

Installing from distro packages

Arch Linux

Install buildstream from AUR. Alternatively, use buildstream-git for the lastest version of the development branch.