Coding guidelines

This section discusses coding style and other guidelines for hacking on BuildStream. This is important to read through for writing any non-trivial patches and especially outlines what people should watch out for when reviewing patches.

Much of the rationale behind what is layed out in this section considers good traceability of lines of code with git blame, overall sensible modular structure, consistency in how we write code, and long term maintenance in mind.

Approximate PEP-8 Style

Python coding style for BuildStream is approximately pep8.

The coding style is automatically enforced by black.

Formatting will be checked automatically when running the testsuite on CI. For details on how to format your code locally, see formatting code.

Documenting symbols

In BuildStream, we maintain what we call a “Public API Surface” that is guaranteed to be stable and unchanging across stable releases. The symbols which fall into this special class are documented using Python’s standard docstrings, while all other internals of BuildStream are documented with comments above the related symbol.

When documenting the public API surface which is rendered in the reference manual, we always mention the major version in which the API was introduced, as shown in the examples below. If a public API exists without the Since annotation, this is taken to mean that it was available since the first stable major point release (e.g: 2.0).

We also always ensure that the public API is entirely typed using type annotations inline.

The private API can be typed inline or in the documentation at the author’s discretion.


Types are checked using mypy. You can run it like tox -e mypy

Here are some examples to get the hang of the format of API documenting comments and docstrings.

Public API Surface method:

def frobnicate(self, source: Source, *, frobilicious: bool = False) -> Element:
    """Frobnicates this element with the specified source

       source: The Source to frobnicate with
       frobilicious: Optionally specify that frobnication should be
                            performed frobiliciously

       The frobnicated version of this Element.

    *Since: 2.2*

Internal method:

# frobnicate():
# Frobnicates this element with the specified source
# Args:
#    source: The Source to frobnicate with
#    frobilicious: Optionally specify that frobnication should be
#                         performed frobiliciously
# Returns:
#    The frobnicated version of this Element.
def frobnicate(self, source: Source, *, frobilicious: bool = False) -> Element:

Public API Surface instance variable:

def __init__(self, context, element): = self._compute_name(context, element)
  """The name of this foo

  *Since: 2.2*


Python does not support docstrings on instance variables, but sphinx does pick them up and includes them in the generated documentation.

Internal instance variable:

def __init__(self, context, element): = self._compute_name(context, element)  # The name of this foo

Internal instance variable (long):

def __init__(self, context, element):

  # This instance variable required a longer explanation, so
  # it is on a line above the instance variable declaration. = self._compute_name(context, element)

Public API Surface class:

class Foo(Bar):
    """The main Foo object in the data model

    Explanation about Foo. Note that we always document
    the constructor arguments here, and not beside the __init__

       context: The invocation Context
       count: The number to count

    *Since: 2.2*
    def __init__(self, context: Context, count: int) -> None:

Internal class:

# Foo()
# The main Foo object in the data model
# Args:
#    context (Context): The invocation Context
#    count (int): The number to count
class Foo(Bar):

Class structure and ordering

When creating or modifying an object class in BuildStream, it is important to keep in mind the order in which symbols should appear and keep this consistent.

Here is an example to illustrate the expected ordering of symbols on a Python class in BuildStream:

class Foo(Bar):

    # Public class-wide variables come first, if any.

    # Private class-wide variables, if any

    # Now we have the dunder/magic methods, always starting
    # with the __init__() method.

    def __init__(self, name):


        # NOTE: In the instance initializer we declare any instance variables,
        #       always declare the public instance variables (if any) before
        #       the private ones.
        #       It is preferred to avoid any public instance variables, and
        #       always expose an accessor method for it instead.

        # Public instance variables
        # = name  # The name of this foo

        # Private instance variables
        self._count = 0   # The count of this foo

    #               Abstract Methods               #

    # NOTE: Abstract methods in BuildStream are allowed to have
    #       default methods.
    #       Subclasses must NEVER override any method which was
    #       not advertized as an abstract method by the parent class.

    # frob()
    # Implementors should implement this to frob this foo
    # count times if possible.
    # Args:
    #    count (int): The number of times to frob this foo
    # Returns:
    #    (int): The number of times this foo was frobbed.
    # Raises:
    #    (FooError): Implementors are expected to raise this error
    def frob(self, count):

        # An abstract method in BuildStream is allowed to have
        # a default implementation.
        self._count = self._do_frobbing(count)

        return self._count

    #     Implementation of abstract methods       #

    # NOTE: Implementations of abstract methods defined by
    #       the parent class should NEVER document the API
    #       here redundantly.

    def frobbish(self):
       # Implementation of the "frobbish" abstract method
       # defined by the parent Bar class.
       return True

    #                 Public Methods               #

    # NOTE: Public methods here are the ones which are expected
    #       to be called from outside of this class.
    #       These, along with any abstract methods, usually
    #       constitute the API surface of this class.

    # frobnicate()
    # Perform the frobnication process on this Foo
    # Raises:
    #    (FrobError): In the case that a frobnication error was
    #                 encountered
    def frobnicate(self):

    # set_count()
    # Sets the count of this foo
    # Args:
    #    count (int): The new count to set
    def set_count(self, count):

        self._count = count

    # get_count()
    # Accessor for the count value of this foo.
    # Returns:
    #    (int): The count of this foo
    def get_count(self, count):

        return self._count

    #                 Private Methods              #

    # NOTE: Private methods are the ones which are internal
    #       implementation details of this class.
    #       Even though these are private implementation
    #       details, they still MUST have API documenting
    #       comments on them.

    # _do_frobbing()
    # Does the actual frobbing
    # Args:
    #    count (int): The number of times to frob this foo
    # Returns:
    #    (int): The number of times this foo was frobbed.
    def self._do_frobbing(self, count):
        return count

Public and private symbols

BuildStream mostly follows the PEP-8 for defining public and private symbols for any given class, with some deviations. Please read the section on inheritance for reference on how the PEP-8 defines public and non-public.

  • A public symbol is any symbol which you expect to be used by clients of your class or module within BuildStream.

    Public symbols are written without any leading underscores.

  • A private symbol is any symbol which is entirely internal to your class or module within BuildStream. These symbols cannot ever be accessed by external clients or modules.

    A private symbol must be denoted by a leading underscore.

  • When a class can have subclasses, then private symbols should be denoted by two leading underscores. For example, the Sandbox or Platform classes which have various implementations, or the Element and Source classes which plugins derive from.

    The double leading underscore naming convention invokes Python’s name mangling algorithm which helps prevent namespace collisions in the case that subclasses might have a private symbol with the same name.

In BuildStream, we have what we call a “Public API Surface”, as previously mentioned in Documenting symbols. In the next section we will discuss the “Public API Surface” and outline the exceptions to the rules discussed here.

Public API surface

BuildStream exposes what we call a “Public API Surface” which is stable and unchanging. This is for the sake of stability of the interfaces which plugins use, so it can also be referred to as the “Plugin facing API”.

Any symbols which are a part of the “Public API Surface” are never allowed to change once they have landed in a stable release version of BuildStream. As such, we aim to keep the “Public API Surface” as small as possible at all times, and never expose any internal details to plugins inadvertently.

One problem which arises from this is that we end up having symbols which are public according to the rules discussed in the previous section, but must be hidden away from the “Public API Surface”. For example, BuildStream internal classes need to invoke methods on the Element and Source classes, whereas these methods need to be hidden from the “Public API Surface”.

This is where BuildStream deviates from the PEP-8 standard for public and private symbol naming.

In order to disambiguate between:

  • Symbols which are publicly accessible details of the Element class, can be accessed by BuildStream internals, but must remain hidden from the “Public API Surface”.

  • Symbols which are private to the Element class, and cannot be accessed from outside of the Element class at all.

We denote the former category of symbols with only a single underscore, and the latter category of symbols with a double underscore. We often refer to this distinction as “API Private” (the former category) and “Local Private” (the latter category).

Classes which are a part of the “Public API Surface” and require this disambiguation were not discussed in the class ordering section, for these classes, the “API Private” symbols always come before the “Local Private” symbols in the class declaration.

Modules which are not a part of the “Public API Surface” have their Python files prefixed with a single underscore, and are not imported in BuildStream’s the master which is used by plugins.


The module is public and exposes a handful of utility functions, however many of the functions it provides are “API Private”.

In this case, the “API Private” functions are prefixed with a single underscore.

Any objects which are a part of the “Public API Surface” should be exposed via the toplevel of the buildstream package.

File naming convention

With the exception of a few helper objects and data structures, we structure the code in BuildStream such that every filename is named after the object it implements. E.g. The Project object is implemented in, the Context object in, the base Element class in, etc.

As mentioned in the previous section, objects which are not a part of the public, plugin facing API surface have their filenames prefixed with a leading underscore (like and in the examples above).

When an object name has multiple words in it, e.g. ArtifactCache, then the resulting file is named all in lower case without any underscore to separate words. In the case of ArtifactCache, the filename implementing this object is found at _artifactcache/


Module imports inside BuildStream are done with relative . notation:


from ._context import Context


from buildstream._context import Context

The exception to the above rule is when authoring plugins, plugins do not reside in the same namespace so they must address buildstream in the imports.

An element plugin will derive from Element by importing:

from buildstream import Element

When importing utilities specifically, don’t import function names from there, instead import the module itself:

from . import utils

This makes things clear when reading code that said functions are not defined in the same file but come from for example.

Instance variables

It is preferred that all instance state variables be declared as private symbols, however in some cases, especially when the state is immutable for the object’s life time (like an Element name for example), it is acceptable to save some typing by using a publicly accessible instance variable.

It is never acceptable to modify the value of an instance variable from outside of the declaring class, even if the variable is public. In other words, the class which exposes an instance variable is the only one in control of the value of this variable.


In some cases, we may use small data structures declared as objects for the sake of better readability, where the object class itself has no real supporting code.

In these exceptions, it can be acceptable to modify the instance variables of these objects directly, unless they are otherwise documented to be immutable.

Accessors and mutators

An accessor and mutator, are methods defined on the object class to access (get) or mutate (set) a value owned by the declaring class, respectively.

An accessor might derive the returned value from one or more of its components, and a mutator might have side effects, or delegate the mutation to a component.

Accessors and mutators are always public (even if they might have a single leading underscore and are considered API Private), as their purpose is to enforce encapsulation with regards to any accesses to the state which is owned by the declaring class.

Accessors and mutators are functions prefixed with get_ and set_ respectively, e.g.:

class Foo():

    def __init__(self):

        # Declare some internal state
        self._count = 0

    # get_count()
    # Gets the count of this Foo.
    # Returns:
    #    (int): The current count of this Foo
    def get_foo(self):
        return self._count

    # set_count()
    # Sets the count of this Foo.
    # Args:
    #    count (int): The new count for this Foo
    def set_foo(self, count):
        self._count = count


We are aware that Python offers a facility for accessors and mutators using the @property decorator instead. Do not use the @property decorator.

The decision to use explicitly defined functions instead of the @property decorator is rather arbitrary, there is not much technical merit to preferring one technique over the other. However as discussed below, it is of the utmost importance that we do not mix both techniques in the same codebase.

Abstract methods

In BuildStream, an “Abstract Method” is a bit of a misnomer and does not match up to how Python defines abstract methods, we need to seek out a new nomenclature to refer to these methods.

In Python, an “Abstract Method” is a method which must be implemented by a subclass, whereas all methods in Python can be overridden.

In BuildStream, we use the term “Abstract Method”, to refer to a method which can be overridden by a subclass, whereas it is illegal to override any other method.

  • Abstract methods are allowed to have default implementations.

  • Subclasses are not allowed to redefine the calling signature of an abstract method, or redefine the API contract in any way.

  • Subclasses are not allowed to override any other methods.

The key here is that in BuildStream, we consider it unacceptable that a subclass overrides a method of its parent class unless the said parent class has explicitly given permission to subclasses to do so, and outlined the API contract for this purpose. No surprises are allowed.

Error handling

In BuildStream, all non recoverable errors are expressed via subclasses of the BstError exception.

This exception is handled deep in the core in a few places, and it is rarely necessary to handle a BstError.

Raising exceptions

When writing code in the BuildStream core, ensure that all system calls and third party library calls are wrapped in a try: block, and raise a descriptive BstError of the appropriate class explaining what exactly failed.

Ensure that the original system call error is formatted into your new exception, and that you use the Python from semantic to retain the original call trace, example:

except FileNotFoundError as e:
    raise ArtifactError("Attempt to access unavailable artifact: {}".format(e)) from e

Enhancing exceptions

Sometimes the BstError originates from a lower level component, and the code segment which raised the exception did not have enough context to create a complete, informative summary of the error for the user.

In these cases it is necessary to handle the error and raise a new one, e.g.:

    extracted_artifact = self._artifacts.extract(self, cache_key)
except ArtifactError as e:
    raise ElementError("Failed to extract {} while checking out {}: {}"
                       .format(cache_key,, e)) from e

Programming errors

Sometimes you are writing code and have detected an unexpected condition, or a broken invariant for which the code cannot be prepared to handle gracefully.

In these cases, do not raise any of the BstError class exceptions.

Instead, use the assert statement, e.g.:

assert utils._is_main_process(), \
    "Attempted to save workspace configuration from child process"

This will result in a BUG message with the stack trace included being logged and reported in the frontend.

BstError parameters

When raising BstError class exceptions, there are some common properties which can be useful to know about:

  • message: The brief human readable error, will be formatted on one line in the frontend.

  • detail: An optional detailed human readable message to accompany the message summary of the error. This is often used to recommend the user some course of action, or to provide additional context about the error.

  • temporary: Some errors are allowed to be temporary, this attribute is only observed from child processes which fail in a temporary way. This distinction is used to determine whether the task should be retried or not. An error is usually only a temporary error if the cause of the error was a network timeout.

  • reason: A machine readable identifier for the error. This is used for the purpose of regression testing, such that we check that BuildStream has errored out for the expected reason in a given failure mode.

Documenting Exceptions

We have already seen some examples of how exceptions are documented in API documenting comments, but this is worth some additional disambiguation.

  • Only document the exceptions which are raised directly by the function in question. It is otherwise nearly impossible to keep track of what exceptions might be raised indirectly by calling the given function.

  • For a regular public or private method, your audience is a caller of the function; document the exception in terms of what exception might be raised as a result of calling this method.

  • For an abstract method, your audience is the implementor of the method in a subclass; document the exception in terms of what exception is prescribed for the implementing class to raise.

Always be consistent

There are various ways to define functions and classes in Python, which has evolved with various features over time.

In BuildStream, we may not have leveraged all of the nice features we could have, that is okay, and where it does not break API, we can consider changing it.

Even if you know there is a better way to do a given thing in Python when compared to the way we do it in BuildStream, do not do it.

Consistency of how we do things in the codebase is more important than the actual way in which things are done, always.

Instead, if you like a certain Python feature and think the BuildStream codebase should use it, then propose your change on the mailing list. Chances are that we will reach agreement to use your preferred approach, and in that case, it will be important to apply the change unilaterally across the entire codebase, such that we continue to have a consistent codebase.

Avoid tail calling

With the exception of tail calling with simple functions from the standard Python library, such as splitting and joining lines of text and encoding/decoding text; always avoid tail calling.


# Variables that we will need declared up top
context = self._get_context()
workspaces = context.get_workspaces()


# Saving the workspace configuration


# Saving the workspace configuration


# Decode the raw text loaded from a log file for display,
# join them into a single utf-8 string and strip away any
# trailing whitespace.
return '\n'.join([line.decode('utf-8') for line in lines]).rstrip()

When you need to obtain a delegate object via an accessor function, either do it at the beginning of the function, or at the beginning of a code block within the function that will use that object.

There are several reasons for this convention:

  • When observing a stack trace, it is always faster and easier to determine what went wrong when all statements are on separate lines.

  • We always want individual lines to trace back to their origin as much as possible for the purpose of tracing the history of code with git blame.

    One day, you might need the Context or Workspaces object in the same function for another reason, at which point it will be unacceptable to leave the existing line as written, because it will introduce a redundant accessor to the same object, so the line written as:


    Will have to change at that point, meaning we lose the valuable information of which commit originally introduced this call when running git blame.

  • For similar reasons, we prefer delegate objects be accessed near the beginning of a function or code block so that there is less chance that this statement will have to move in the future, if the same function or code block needs the delegate object for any other reason.

    Asides from this, code is generally more legible and uniform when variables are declared at the beginning of function blocks.

Vertical stacking of modules

For the sake of overall comprehensiveness of the BuildStream architecture, it is important that we retain vertical stacking order of the dependencies and knowledge of modules as much as possible, and avoid any cyclic relationships in modules.

For instance, the Source objects are owned by Element objects in the BuildStream data model, and as such the Element will delegate some activities to the Source objects in its possession. The Source objects should however never call functions on the Element object, nor should the Source object itself have any understanding of what an Element is.

If you are implementing a low level utility layer, for example as a part of the YAML loading code layers, it can be tempting to derive context from the higher levels of the codebase which use these low level utilities, instead of defining properly stand alone APIs for these utilities to work: Never do this.

Unfortunately, unlike other languages where include files play a big part in ensuring that it is difficult to make a mess; Python, allows you to just call methods on arbitrary objects passed through a function call without having to import the module which defines those methods - this leads to cyclic dependencies of modules quickly if the developer does not take special care of ensuring this does not happen.

Minimize arguments in methods

When creating an object, or adding a new API method to an existing object, always strive to keep as much context as possible on the object itself rather than expecting callers of the methods to provide everything the method needs every time.

If the value or object that is needed in a function call is a constant for the lifetime of the object which exposes the given method, then that value or object should be passed in the constructor instead of via a method call.

Minimize API surfaces

When creating an object, or adding new functionality in any way, try to keep the number of public, outward facing symbols to a minimum, this is important for both internal and public, plugin facing API surfaces.

When anyone visits a file, there are two levels of comprehension:

  • What do I need to know in order to use this object.

  • What do I need to know in order to modify this object.

For the former, we want the reader to understand with as little effort as possible, what the public API contract is for a given object and consequently, how it is expected to be used. This is also why we order the symbols of a class in such a way as to keep all outward facing public API surfaces at the top of the file, so that the reader never needs to dig deep into the bottom of the file to find something they might need to use.

For the latter, when it comes to having to modify the file or add functionality, you want to retain as much freedom as possible to modify internals, while being sure that nothing external will be affected by internal modifications. Less client facing API means that you have less surrounding code to modify when your API changes. Further, ensuring that there is minimal outward facing API for any module minimizes the complexity for the developer working on that module, by limiting the considerations needed regarding external side effects of their modifications to the module.

When modifying a file, one should not have to understand or think too much about external side effects, when the API surface of the file is well documented and minimal.

When adding new API to a given object for a new purpose, consider whether the new API is in any way redundant with other API (should this value now go into the constructor, since we use it more than once? could this value be passed along with another function, and the other function renamed, to better suit the new purposes of this module/object?) and repurpose the outward facing API of an object as a whole every time.

Avoid transient state on instances

At times, it can be tempting to store transient state that is the result of one operation on an instance, only to be retrieved later via an accessor function elsewhere.

As a basic rule of thumb, if the value is transient and just the result of one operation, which needs to be observed directly after by another code segment, then never store it on the instance.

BuildStream is complicated in the sense that it is multi processed and it is not always obvious how to pass the transient state around as a return value or a function parameter. Do not fall prey to this obstacle and pollute object instances with transient state.

Instead, always refactor the surrounding code so that the value is propagated to the desired end point via a well defined API, either by adding new code paths or changing the design such that the architecture continues to make sense.

Refactor the codebase as needed

Especially when implementing features, always move the BuildStream codebase forward as a whole.

Taking a short cut is alright when prototyping, but circumventing existing architecture and design to get a feature implemented without re-designing the surrounding architecture to accommodate the new feature instead, is never acceptable upstream.

For example, let’s say that you have to implement a feature and you’ve successfully prototyped it, but it launches a Job directly from a Queue implementation to get the feature to work, while the Scheduler is normally responsible for dispatching Jobs for the elements on a Queue. This means that you’ve proven that your feature can work, and now it is time to start working on a patch for upstream.

Consider what the scenario is and why you are circumventing the design, and then redesign the Scheduler and Queue objects to accommodate for the new feature and condition under which you need to dispatch a Job, or how you can give the Queue implementation the additional context it needs.