Sandbox - The build sandbox

Element plugins which want to interface with the sandbox need only understand this interface, while it may be given a different sandbox implementation, any sandbox implementation it is given will conform to this interface.

See also: Sandboxing.

exception SandboxCommandError(message, *, detail=None, collect=None, reason='command-failed')

Bases: SandboxError

Raised by Sandbox implementations when a command fails.

  • message (str) – The error message to report to the user

  • detail (str) – The detailed error string

  • collect (str) – An optional directory containing partial install contents

  • reason (str) – An optional reason string (defaults to ‘command-failed’)

class Sandbox

Bases: object

Sandbox programming interface for Element plugins.

get_virtual_directory() Directory

Fetches the sandbox root directory as a virtual Directory.

The root directory is where artifacts for the base runtime environment should be staged.


The sandbox root directory

set_environment(environment: Dict[str, str]) None

Sets the environment variables for the sandbox


environment – The environment variables to use in the sandbox

set_work_directory(directory: str) None

Sets the work directory for commands run in the sandbox


directory – An absolute path within the sandbox

mark_directory(directory: str) None

Marks a sandbox directory and ensures it will exist


directory – An absolute path within the sandbox to mark


Any marked directories will be read-write in the sandboxed environment, only the root directory is allowed to be readonly.

run(command: List[str], *, root_read_only: bool = False, cwd: str | None = None, env: Dict[str, str] | None = None, label: str = None) int | None

Run a command in the sandbox.

If this is called outside a batch context, the command is immediately executed.

If this is called in a batch context, the command is added to the batch for later execution. If the command fails, later commands will not be executed. Command flags must match batch flags.

  • command – The command to run in the sandboxed environment, as a list of strings starting with the binary to run.

  • root_read_only – Whether the sandbox root should be readonly.

  • cwd – The sandbox relative working directory in which to run the command.

  • env – A dictionary of string key, value pairs to set as environment variables inside the sandbox environment.

  • label – An optional label for the command, used for logging.


The program exit code, or None if running in batch context.

:raises (ProgramNotFoundError): If a host tool which the given sandbox implementation requires is not found.


The optional cwd argument will default to the value set with set_work_directory() and this function must make sure the directory will be created if it does not exist yet, even if a workspace is being used.

batch(*, root_read_only: bool = False, label: str = None, collect: str = None) Generator[None, None, None]

Context manager for command batching

This provides a batch context that defers execution of commands until the end of the context. If a command fails, the batch will be aborted and subsequent commands will not be executed.

Command batches may be nested. Execution will start only when the top level batch context ends.

  • root_read_only – Whether the sandbox root should be readonly.

  • label – An optional label for the batch group, used for logging.

  • collect – An optional directory containing partial install contents on command failure.

:raises (SandboxCommandError): If a command fails.